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Arguments Against Hunting

By: Sally Aquire - Updated: 21 May 2019 | comments*Discuss
Arguments Against Hunting

Fox hunting is a delicate issue that often inspires heated debate from both sides of the argument. On the one hand you have the pro hunters insisting that hunting is part of traditional rural life, and that the foxes would undoubtedly die anyway. On the other hand, the anti-hunting protesters have argued for decades about the inhumane conditions encountered by foxes and other hunted animals before they actually die, and that there is no such thing as the 'clean' kill that the pro hunters use to promote their claims. Please note that some of our arguments against fox hunting in the UK are slightly out-of-date now that hunting with dogs has been banned.

"It's wrong to kill animals"

For most people, this is a no-brainer. Although those in favour of hunting insist that foxes are destroying the countryside and slaughtering innocent sheep and lambs, there isn't any reason to hunt them down and destroy them. In actual fact, foxes are the natural predators of some forms of vermin (like rats), and without them, the countryside would be overrun. The number of sheep and lambs that they kill is not that many. They often shy away from taking on live sheep, as they can actually come off worse!

If foxes were posing a definite threat to livestock, it would be more humane to let farmers shoot them instead. There is no real logic to chasing the foxes for hours, as the foxes are not necessarily caught by the time the hunt ends. Hunters often argue that animals can be killed by their natural predators anyway, but very few wild animals would chase down its prey for several hours - they would get bored long before they ever caught their intended food source.

"Hunting is disruptive to rural life"

Hunters often argue that hunting is a traditional part of life in the countryside. This may be true, but that doesn't necessarily make it a good thing. Once a chase has begun, the hunters want to run the fox ragged until it dies from exhaustion or is ripped to shreds by the dogs. This usually means following hot on the heels of the fox at all times -even if this means running riot through rural villages or private property.

In this sense, hunting is actually disruptive to the countryside, as it can result in substantial damage to the local area. Any unfortunate sheep, rabbits or pets that are in the wrong place at the wrong time will inevitably be trampled on, causing further distress.

"The hounds are mistreated"

It's not just the foxes who suffer. Most hounds are killed some time before they reach old age - usually as soon as they cease to run as fast as the hunters want them to. Hunters often suggest breeding large numbers of puppies to see which are the quickest and most agile. Sadly, those that don't make the grade are disposed of. Those that make it through the selection process are often in lots of danger during the hunts themselves. They can become involved in accidents on the roads and rail tracks, as well as coming into contact with electric fences.

Arguments against hunting were narrowly backed by the House of Commons and opposed by the House of Lords. In 2004, the Hunting Bill was re-introduced. Although it was initially rejected by the House of Lords, the rarely used Parliament Act was brought into play to push it through as government legislation. The end result was the 2004 Hunting Act, which banned fox hunting with dogs from February 2005.

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I ran over a fox in my 2002Nissan on the way to the church so then I picked it up and give it to mycussion robbet he took it back to the caravan and cooked it in a tire and made fox pie
help - 21-May-19 @ 9:43 AM
help me to decied whatgender I am plz because I don't know if I am male or female
i am stuck in the ge - 21-May-19 @ 9:39 AM
it is fine to hunt because it is there choise and don't put your own opinion on other people when they have grown up with that and they know no better
diggy - 26-Mar-18 @ 12:52 PM
Anyone who hunts a fox should be hunted down
Drew - 10-Jun-17 @ 3:21 PM
Yet another fox killed by a pack of dogs as posted on facebook.Naturally the huntsman say it was an accident, Correct me if I'm wrong ;If you park a car on top of a hill and release the hand break and it runs down killing someone , then that is cause and effect, releasing the the hand break caused the vehicle to run down the hill and kill someone, then the one who released the hand break is guilty.. Release a pack of hounds into the country hell bent on blood, by definition the owner is just as guilty. not an accident. Bring all the laws in you want fox hunting will not stop, you cannot police the whole country side. but there mabee a way for the foxes to fight back, with all the technology we have today, can we come up will an artificial fox with special features, like dressed up to look a smell like a fox inside a battery connected to a inverter, that gives out an small electric shock went touched, the dogs would then think twice before attacking it. after all nature has diviced many ways to protect itself. the huntsman cat complain about it, he would have to admit he was hunting illegally.
astroflash - 5-Mar-17 @ 4:55 PM
The fox NEVER has a chance to get away. A cow being led to slaughter has (hopefully) lived a carefree and happy lifestyle. It will be pain free when it humanly dies and the meat will be used. A fox will get terrorised as it gets chased for up to 5 hours by sad little men and women on horses who obviously can’t participate in any proper sport where their opponent has a chance at winning. The dogs who will most probably have been mis-treated will eventually get the fox and tear it apart to shreds. Explain to me where the benefit in this is? Except for making the men think they are big and strong where they lack these features in .... other areas. It’ll be a sport when the fox has a horse, a gun and a pack of bloodthirsty dogs to fight back at you.
poop - 10-Feb-17 @ 12:06 PM
cola cube - 3-Apr-13 @ 11:41 AM I hate fox hunting. The fox NEVER has a chance to get away. A cow being led to slaughter has (hopefully) lived a carefree and happy lifestyle. It will be pain free when it humanly dies and the meat will be used. A fox will get terrorised as it gets chased for up to 5 hours by sad little men and women on horses who obviously can’t participate in any proper sport where their opponent has a chance at winning. The dogs who will most probably have been mis-treated will eventually get the fox and tear it apart to shreds. Explain to me where the benefit in this is? Except for making the men think they are big and strong where they lack these features in .... other areas. It’ll be a sport when the fox has a horse, a gun and a pack of bloodthirsty dogs to fight back at you. Get into a proper sport and stop being such a coward.
jenny - 22-Jan-17 @ 4:26 PM
all this rubbish about the hounds being mistreated can end here! All the hound are individual and cared for better than most dogs and anyone who has ever been hunting will know the attention they are given at meets by supporters.
els - 19-Jun-16 @ 4:27 PM
Poor foxes, the foxes have never done anything wrong, if you are worried about the price of new animals you should earn money.
KChoo - 9-May-16 @ 9:00 AM
Many of you sit on your computer all day on these forums and have never been hunting to understand what it's about and the valuable skills you learn whilst out there, so before you put your opinion across to people who don't care why don't you try it and then come back and give us your point!
Dazla101 - 9-Mar-16 @ 12:17 PM
The hounds are trained to kill the fox in a matter of seconds with a swift bite to the neck. It's only ripped up as a reward for the hounds effort and when it's being ripped it's already dead and can't feel anything. Not only do most (nearly all) foxes escape but those that don't are instantly killed where as in shooting some escape wounded as the shot doesn't kill outright. Yes at the end of the day the fox population is smaller but it's healthier and antis don't realise the difference between pest control and wildlife management.
Peter - 22-Dec-15 @ 11:35 AM
And this is why stereo types should be left out of it. I live in sleepy ol Devon sat behind a coputer sat looking over the feilds. And yes , i believe fox hunting and any other for that matter is cruel useless and a waste of breath.
dave - 23-Oct-15 @ 9:35 AM
How can you possibly say that "only the slow and old are killed" pretty much anything hunted by a pack of these dogs will die a horrible, painful and slow death. imagine the feeling of having parts of you are ripped off before you will actually die. No one should 'enjoy' the killing or the hunting for that matter. Even thought thekilling of foxes may reduse the loss of lambs, the foxes have to eat to survive. Just like you. And just like me.
dave - 23-Oct-15 @ 9:30 AM
Only the slow, injured or elderly foxes are killed. So it's better for the fox population. The hounds are looked after as pets otherwise they wouldn't chase. The hounds are trained to kill in a single bite and are allowed to tear up the fox as a reward for their effort. Two thirds of people who support or work at hunts are working class. Hunts have permission from private land owners. Rabbits aren't stupid and move out the way of everything, I bet hardly any of you have been hunting or even live in the country which is why you'resat behind your computer know. I'm on my computer now because I've had to leave my village and come to london for a week.
Peter - 21-May-15 @ 6:59 PM
This was extremely helpful for my art project which i have been trying to do for days and this was one of the few websites that actually helped! Thank you.
cola cube - 3-Apr-13 @ 11:41 AM
Yes I am a vegetarian, but you are wrong, the fox NEVER has a chance to get away. A cow being led to slaughter has (hopefully) lived a carefree and happy lifestyle. It will be pain free when it humanly dies and the meat will be used. A fox will get terrorised as it gets chased for up to 5 hours by sad little men and women on horses who obviously can’t participate in any proper sport where their opponent has a chance at winning. The dogs who will most probably have been mis-treated will eventually get the fox and tear it apart to shreds. Explain to me where the benefit in this is? Except for making the men think they are big and strong where they lack these features in .... Other areas. It’ll be a sport when the fox has a horse, a gun and a pack of bloodthirsty dogs to fight back at you. Get into a proper sport and stop being such a coward.
clymo - 3-May-12 @ 9:13 PM
Are you a vegetarian? If not then imagine being a cow being led to the slaughter house, at least the fox gets a chance to escape.
. - 5-May-11 @ 7:35 PM
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